
Token information

Type: SPL Token on Solana Ticker: SLIM Total supply: 100,000,000 SLIM (fixed) Token contract: xxxxa1sKNGwFtw2kFn8XauW9xq8hBZ5kVtcSesTT9fW

Initial circulating supply: 30,000,000 SLIM Initial market cap: $6,000,000 USD

Private sale price: $0.133 - $0.183 USD Public sale price: $0.20 USD

Token distribution

Both our seed and private sale rounds are distributed over many different participants. By distributing our seed, private and public sales we are trying to create the most fair token distribution on launch possible with no single entity holding large quantities of the supply. For token vesting, we will use Bonfida's vesting contracts to lock tokens ahead of the public sale. For sake of transparency all addresses and vesting seeds will be published here, but you can already get an overview of it if you take a look at the distribution page in the explorer.

Circulating supply over time

Last updated

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